Media Featuring Author Don Keith

Author Don Keith is available for speaking and presentations to groups of all kinds, either in person or via Skype. For info, details, and potential topics, contact him at [email protected].

Don Keith as part of tribute to legendary broadcaster Joe Rumore

The first book in a new military historical fiction series is now available for pre-order. ARGENTIA STATION is co-authored by former US Navy submarine captain George Wallace and award-winning writer Don Keith. The two previously wrote the ten-book submarine thriller series HUNTER KILLER, which featured several national bestsellers. ARGENTIA STATION is the first book in THE TIDES OF WAR SERIES, and officially releases November 11, 2025.

Pre-ordering allows buyers to lock in pricing on the book and have it automatically downloaded onto their Kindle reading devices or have the paper edition delivered to arrive on publication date.

For more on ARGENTIA STATION and the series, or to subscribe to the authors' monthly e-mail newsletter, CLICK HERE.

The final book in THE HUNTER KILLER SERIES, THE GIBRALTAR AFFAIR, releases on May 6, 2025, and is also available for pre-order HERE.

Don Keith is also co-author on another new historical fiction series, A CALL TO WAR, along with Elaine Hume Peake. The first novel in this series, THE KABOOM BOYS, publishes on September 9, 2025, and is also available for pre-order HERE.


Prolific and best-selling author Don Keith will debut two new book series soon, both set in World War II. This comes as the final book in the ten-book HUNTER KILLER SERIES of submarine/SEAL novels, THE GIBRALTAR AFFAIR, is available for pre-order before its publication date in May 2025.

The first series is titled A CALL TO WAR and the first work will be THE KABOOM BOYS. The novels are being co-written with former award-winning television news producer Elaine Hume Peake and based loosely on the experiences of Elaine's father, one of the Army's first bomb-demolition-squasd captains who went into Europe just after D-day. Their duty was so hazardous that the life expectancy of explosive ordnance personnel was ten weeks. But the novels also explore not only the drama and tension of that crucial job, but also the human side of war as Captain Hume and his diverse group of Kaboom Boys see all sides of brutal combat Book #1, THE KABOOM BOYS publishes in September 2025 but is already available for pre-order from Amazon.

The second series, co-written by Keith with his writing partner on the HUNTER KILLER SERIES, former submarine captain George Wallace, will be titled TIDES OF WAR and the first novel to be released will be ARGENTIA STATION. While Keith's and Wallace's 10-book HUNTER KILLER SERIES was set in modern submarines, the new series will deal with undersea warfare as it necessarily developed in World War II. In a "Band of Brothers" style, the novels will follow a quartet of Naval Academy grads who settle on submarine service before the war but soon find themselves among the first-line response even well before Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. News on pre-orders will be coming soon.


For those who want to watch the movie HUNTER KILLER on Netflix, you best hurry. It drops off the Netflix list on November 30. For those who do not know, the film is based on the novel co-written by bestselling author Don Keith and former nuclear submarine skipper George Wallace, and became the basis of--though not a part of--the 10-book HUNTER KILLER SERIES of SEAL/submarine thrillers. It stars Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman, Linda Cardellini, and rapper Common. (TWO Academy Award winners...Oldman, of course, but also Common, who won for composing the title song for the movie SELMA,)

According to Collider, this was one of those pictures that the critics did not care for but the people who paid to see it loved it...thus the 38% "Rotten Tomatoes" score and a 92% CinemaScore (interviews with people leaving theaters after seeing it). Regardless, it is action-filled and relatively accurate since the US Navy was involved, and even allowed scenes to be filmed aboard an actual submarine while at sea. By the way, the film has been #1 or among the top-ten viewed movies on Netflix often since it debuted there, so somebody certainly likes it!

Assumedly, it will pop up again on various movie channels but viewers will have to put up with commercials just as Gerry and the crew are saving the world. But if you want to see it commercial-free and in its full-quality video form, watch or record on Netflix before Sunday. Or buy the DVD. The effects and video quality have drawn rave reviews. Visit for more on the book HUNTER KILLER as well as the series, plus, soon, news about a brand new series, set in WWII submarines, coming up from George and Don. Plus another new series of novels Don is co-writing with Elaine Hume Peake, based on her father's experiences as one of the first WWII bomb demolition captains who went into France just after D-day. 


Don Keith's biography of Birmingham Civil Rights activist Shelley Stewart featured in local blog COMEBACK TOWN. The mention is by college English professor Terry Barr, a guest writer for the recent edition of the popular blog. Barr's subject is local writers who have done definitive works on the city of Birmingham's tempestuous past and its role in history. Don Keith's book is Mattie C.'s Boy, which tells the story of former Birmingham radio deejay Shelley Stewart. During the massive civil rights demonstrations--Stewart insists they be called "human rights"--he and other Black Birmingham radio personalities used coded messages on the air to reveal where the day;s demonstrations would be, and when there would be especially harsh treatment by the city's police. But there is much more to Stewart's amazing storyMattie C.'s Boy by Don Keith with Shelley Stewart. He went on to become a "silent" partner in a Birmingham advertising agency and eventually helped build it up to be one of the largest in the southeast USA.


To learn more about the book MATTIE C.'s BOY, CLICK HERE

The latest novel in The Hunter Killer Series of military thrillers, Southern Cross, by former submarine skipper George Wallace and prolific author Don Keith has been released by Severn River Publishing. The book has already hit the top ten in several Amazon sales categories including #1 in the highly competitive "Military Thriller" listing.

The book's theme fits perfectly with recent headlines about political and economic unrest in South America and how it affects the USA and the rest of the world. South America is imploding and a US Navy submarine and SEAL team may be the only ones to stop it..As the winds of change sweep through South America, chaos and uncertainty reign. A radical political takeover looms, threatening to plunge the entire Western Hemisphere into turmoil. Seeing the destabilization, China moves to exert its influence economically and politically-further threatening peace and freedom in the region. But a team of elite Navy SEALs and one submarine race to confront the threat, embarking on a dangerous-and likely impossible-mission.

Southern Cross is available in paper,and e-book editions and the audio book will release in mid-June 2024.

To learn more,about Southern Cross, the new novel by George Wallace and Don Keith, CLICK HERE

To learn more about The Hunter Killer Series of military thrillers, CLICK HERE 

To see all books by author Don Keith, CLICK HERE 



The tenth novel in The Hunter Killer Series of Navy SEAL and submarine military thrillers will be released in May of 2025. However, the next novel in the series of best selling books, The Gibraltar Affair, is already available for pre-order from Amazon. By ordering now, readers will lock in the price and the e-book version will be automatically downloaded into their Kindle devices on release day. Or if the paper copy is pre-ordered, it will ship to arrive on publication day.

For more on The Gibraltar Affair, go to 

For more on The Hunter Killer Series of SEAL and US Navy submarine military thrillers, go to 


ST, a website devoted to movie and TV news, has named the film HUNTER KILLER as one of its top three war movies now available for streaming on Netflix. The site calls Hunter Killer "a highly underated movie" and "a worthy option for fans of military dramas and action-packed chronicles," while noting that it has climbed to number three most-viewed movie on Netflix after debuting on the service in early December 2023. The movie is based on the best-selling novel by George Wallace and Don Keith, which is available wherever books are sold.

For more on the film and the book on which it is based, click HERE

To read the article on the ST website and see the trailer for the film, click HERE.

The movie HUNTER KILLER, starring Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman, Common, and Linda Cardellini debuts on Netflix this month--after successful runs in theaters as well as on cable channels and HBO Max--and viewers are asking many questions about the story, characters, situations and the stars themselves. Many have noticed the seeming authenticity of the film and are asking how a thrill-a-minute feature compares to real submarine warfare and Navy SEAL operations.

One example is the website TheCinemaholic, where numerous questions have been answered and explored.

The site notes that the film is based on the novel by former nuclear submarine commander George Wallace and submarine historian Don Keith. And that the book and movie are the result of exhaustive research and the film had the assistance of the US Navy in production.

For more on the movie HUNTER KILLER, click HERE

For more on the thriller novel HUNTER KILLER click HERE

Alabama newspaper Shelby County Reporter recently published an inverview with author Don Keith about a movie based on one of his books making a top ten list. The book and film, HUNTER KILLER, are part of a series of military thriller novels written by Keith and co-writer George Wallace. The film HUNTER KILLER, starring Gerard Butler and Gary Oldman, was recently named the website Operation Military Kids as one of the top ten best movies about US Navy SEALs. The website is devoted to young people who are considering a military career.

Read the article HERE.

The website Operation Military Kids recently named the movie HUNTER KILLER as one of the top ten best films ever made about US Navy SEALs. The movie stars Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman, Common, and Linda Cardellini and is based on the book HUNTER KILLER by George Wallace and Don Keith. The story tells of a coup attempt inside Russia in which a rogue admiral kidnaps the president of the Russian Federation in a plot to try to reunite the old Soviet Union. 

Keith and Wallace have published six other novels in THE HUNTER KILLR SERIES, each following the same group of submariners and SEALs through harrowing but realistic action. See for more on the series.

To read more about the website's top ten SEAL movies, click HERE.


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