Untold Millions


There is no doubt the biggest challenge in the effort to capture UNTOLD STORIES is the actual collection.  Many who lived history—and especially violent history, such as war—are hesitant to talk about their experiences.  No one should be pressured to remember or share.  Memories fade with age, too.

On the other hand, many people have been waiting for someone to ask.  More than a few have kept letters, journals, notes and more.  Some have even written book manuscripts.  These are gold!

Please understand that the UNTOLD MILLIONS Oral History Project works best when interested and motivated “collectors” capture the stories and remembrances of those who have actually experienced history.  We don’t expect people to gather and interview hundreds of individuals or devote full time to the effort.  If you or those who help you are able to save the stories of just one family member or friend, you have contributed mightily to this effort.

Important Notes

In another section of this web site, we will discuss actually publishing these stories to places where they will be available for sale to the general public.  We will recommend the material be informally copyrighted and that a very minimal pricing structure be established.  The object here is not necessarily for you to make money by selling the remembrances of others.

We highly recommend that you explain fully to anyone whose material you plan on publishing how it will be used and how any possible proceeds are to be handled.  It will be your and your subjects’ option if you want to keep any or all of any revenue for your time and trouble or if you want to share it with your subject(s).

It is likely that there will be very little money involved, but ownership of the material and how any revenue resulting from the publishing of these oral histories should be clear and—when appropriate—in writing before proceeding.

We will address these points farther on other pages on this site.

For more details beyond what is available on this web site, download Don Keith's book for Kindle and other e-readers titled "UNTOLD MILLIONS: HOW YOU CAN CAPTURE AND SAVE EYEWITNESS HISTORY.